How Does Property Get Divided in A Georgia Divorce?
Georgia family law courts abide by a principle of “equitable distribution.” What this means is that a judge will divide property according to what is “fair,” not necessarily what is equal. For example, a higher earner may claim more than half of the estate in a divorce according to his or her income.
Before the assets can be divided, however, the court must determine what “marital or separated” property is. These labels refer to what property is jointly-owned by the spouses, and what belongs solely to one couple. For example, an heirloom from a grandmother would be a small example of “separated” property. For real estate, couples are not asked to literally divide the house, rather, the court will determine the total value of all property, and assign a percentage of total value to each spouse.
The process of property distribution is a complex process, even in amicable divorces. The complexity of property distribution can be mitigated through cooperative negotiation. When spouses empower themselves to divide the property according to what they believe is fair between each other, they avoid the potentially unpredictable decision of the court. Though state laws have been designed to provide for spouses what is fair, no one knows your own situation better that you and your spouse.
Our lawyers are highly-skilled in discovery and negotiation, meaning we can make sure that each and every asset that ought to be divided is counted. For property distribution cases of all kinds, you can count on the insight of our family law attorneys.